Ivanova Natalia, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovsky, Kryvyi Rih
Language: ukrainian
Within the article, some threats to the economic security of the regions are considered (loss of sales markets, loss of competitiveness and competitive advantages, migration of the population) are considered, and an attempt to assess their impact on the level of regional economic security is made. For study and systematization of key threats to the economic security of the regions, methods of theoretical generalization are applied. The method of correlation analysis allowed establishing the degree of connection density between quantitative values of threats to economic security and integral indicators of the level of economic security of the regions, which gave an opportunity to assess the threats impact on the level of economic security of the regions. Calculations were carried out according to representatives of three regional economic security clusters: Lviv, Vinnytsia and Transcarpathian regions. The impact of the threats was investigated, in particular: loss of sales markets (in terms of exports of goods and services in the region), worsening of the living standard of the population (by the indicator of the share of population with per capita equivalent gross revenues per month lower than the actual living wage) and emigration of the population (by the indicator of migration growth). Based on research results, matrix of the characteristics of the threats impact on the level of economic security of the regions is formed, according to which the deterioration of the living standards of the population reduces the level of economic security of the region with varying degrees of influence (Lviv region – very much; Vinnytsia region - moderately; Transcarpathian region – considerably). Population emigration significantly affects the level of economic security of cluster regions with the mark "good" and "sufficient" and weakly for the cluster regions with the mark "satisfactorily"; reducing the volume of export of goods in the region greatly affects the level of economic security of cluster regions with the mark "good" and "sufficient" and greatly for the cluster regions with the mark “satisfactory”; reducing the volume of services exports in the region greatly affects the level of economic security of the regions of all clusters. In order to provide a more substantiated assertion on the specifics of the threats impact to economic security for the regions of different regional clusters, in further research it is expedient to carry out similar calculations for all regions of Ukraine.
Key words:
economic security; economic security of the region; threat, correlation, impact