Pіlevych Dmytro,
Language: ukrainian
The article analyzes the theoretical principles of functioning of the information infrastructure of the credit market, considers the essence of the credit market and information infrastructure as separate objects of cognition. The explored research allowed us to propose the author's position on the interpretation of the category of information infrastructure of the credit market. The process of credit information circulation within the mentioned market is analyzed, the main characteristics of its information infrastructure are investigated, the institutional structure of the defined type of infrastructure is determined. In particular, two of its types are distinguished: endogenous and exogenous, their description is given. Considerable attention is paid to the definition of the essence of the endogenous information infrastructure of the credit market, which was considered in two aspects: from the position of clients of credit institutions and from the position of such institutions.
Key words:
infrastructure; information infrastructure; credit market; credit relations; borrower; creditor; lending institution