Tulchynska Svitlana,
Pogrebnyak Anna Yuryevna,
Language: english
The article analyzes the banking system of Ukraine. Established in recent history, a decline in commercial banks at the beginning of 2016 their number was 111 banks, including 43 of which are banks with foreign capital. At the beginning of 2016 the state share in the authorized capital of solvent banks was 37.9% and the share of foreign capital – 39.4 %. This means customers are the main source of banks' resource base, customer deposit portfolio amounted to 64 % of liabilities, including deposits from individuals – 33.8% (389 bln. UAH), Funds of legal entities – 30.2 % (348 bln. UAH). In recent years, banks' credit activity remained low, the share of foreign currency loans in the loan portfolio was 58 %. The devaluation of the hryvnia has led to problems with servicing of such loans by borrowers who do not have their own currency earnings. To improve the situation, many banks since 2015, began implementing programs to restructure foreign currency loans. The analysis of indicators of the banking system for 2011-2016. The constant tendency to increase profits for the period 2011-2016. Observed in banks such as Citibank (UKRAINE) and ProCredit Bank. Privatbank during the period studied by contrast shows a decline in profits. Reduced profit in two years was almost 9 times. First by the number of assets in Ukraine is Privatbank. From 2011-2016 assets increased 2.3 times, 2.7 times Oshadbank. Commitments such as bank PrivatBank, Oschadbank, Ukreximbank, Prominvestbank, Sberbank, which is headed by the top five banks in Ukraine in terms of commitment, from 2011-2016 increase. The main problems of ukrainian banking sector for 2016 was a significant outflow of resources from the banking system, the deteriorating quality of loan portfolios banks and unprofitable activities. The growth of the main indicators of the banking sector in the 2014–2015. There was only due to exchange rate revaluation of assets and liabilities due to depreciation of the hryvnia against major foreign currencies. Established that the cost of credit for contracts concluded limited creditworthiness of borrowers and yield other active operations of banks and does not fully reflect the value of the objective to raise funds.
Key words:
banking system; bank; commercial banks; profit; loss; assets; liabilities